
Friday, June 14, 2013

Samsung wave 525 tips and tricks.

(used to view system files)

Type *#7092463*# select
3 device test -> 6 common -> 3 usb configuration select tk file exproler (on) or (off).

(used to change CSC from KOR to INU or any other version)

1. open keypad and type the following code *#5239870*#
2.Select Pre-Configuration
3.Enter Operator Code: *#27236*#
4.Select your CSC and install it.

Make sound/vibration alert to Mute during calls. 

Many worried that there is no option to mute calls when phone is ringing .Just turn the phone upside down (screen facing down) and calls get mute.
To make this work just do the following : 
 Settings - > General -> Gestures and activate Overturning(Etiquette Pause).

3g Services
Do you think wave 525 doesn't have 3g then this is for you..

1.Open up your Phone Keypad,And type: *#5239870*#
2.Select: Network Settings.
Then,Select: Network Mode
3.Now here You should know in which frequency does your 3G SIM Card Provides you 3G Services.For eg. Airtel India uses UMTS Only.
4.Done! Now enjoy 3G data services like other wave users do..!!

Note :Cannot receive call or make call while 3g is enabled. SMS works. For phone to make and receive calls just disable 3g by following same procedure.(some networks allow call functionality too)

Bluetooth + Multitasking

If You are sending something via Bluetooth u can send and check your msgs and can use your camera,music player and more..
just long press the center key(menu key) there will task manager press and you can choose options...

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